Last Day of School

Our first year of school is officially over!  That doesn't mean we quit working, though - - we will both carry on researching & writing our dissertations through the summer.  But it does mean there are no meetings to go to! 

On Thursday I passed my Upgrade Interview.  This is where they read part of your dissertation, interrogate you for an hour, and decide whether you get to stay in the PhD program, get downgraded, or get kicked out!  I get to stay, hooray! One year down, two to go...


Anonymous said...

what Katie failed to mention is that her pannel had four professors on it and both of her advisers said it was the most positive Upgrade Interview they have ever seen. Ever. That's my girl!

Olivia Meikle said...

Woohoo! Way to go Kweeb!

This Calvin and Hobbes, by the way, got me an A in my final PoliSci class. That's my essay right there.