If there ever was a day to indulge in the smooth buttery goodness of a pile of pancakes, today is it! It's Pancake Day in the UK, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday. It's the day that marks the beginning of Lent, the fasting period when people traditionally give up dairy, eggs, meat, and all that 'unneccessary' stuff. So, to get rid of it all and start fasting, you make pancakes! "Ooo--kay," you're saying "but if I were going to get rid of butter, milk and eggs the first thing that comes to mind isn't a pancake made with...flour and water" Indeed. Over here, pancakes are more like crepes, made with lots of egg and milk.
Of course in America the holiday this time of year is equally exciting, Groundhog Day. I love it. The best part, though, about all these early-February holidays is that they stem from the ancient pagan "Cross-Quarter Day" -- marking the day that we are halfway to the Spring Equinox! Halfway! Have a pancake to celebrate.
We did! Swedish pancakes, made by our Chinese maid, to be precise. Lots of eggs, lots of New Zealand Butter, and lots of Spring Equinox celebration.
I love that in the article about the snow day, one of the officials is quoted as saying the day was.... "exceptional". !!! The English understatement eh?
I'm so happy you got a car!!! What did you do with your Moped?
Can I come visit again? I need another relaxing trip!
Sorry so long since our last chat!! Hopefully soon I'll have a less crazy life!
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